Get your license key now!
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3 Simple Steps to Launch Your Analysis
1 Obtain your free license key here, and insert it into the app
2 Copy and paste the minimized snippet code in your page
3 Enjoy your dashboard!
Rapid Deployment and Easy Integration
Ready in just a minute for immediate data collection, the MorphCast Statistics Dashboard seamlessly connects with MorphCast’s Facial Emotion Recognition AI.
Comprehensive Tracking on an Intuitive Interface
Our app monitors a wide array of emotional metrics, including Arousal & Valence, 6 core emotions (Ekman model), Attention & Positivity levels + 98 affects (Russell, Scherer, Klaus model). Its user-friendly interface allows for easy switches between analyses, data filtering, and report customization. Supports CSV, PDF, and JSON downloads.
Want to learn more about how it works? Find out here.